Sunday, August 23, 2009

Off To College

Back at Christmastime, I ordered a fleece Texas Tech blanket for my son from Auntie Mac’s at Etsy. I jokingly told her that I’d probably need to order a security blanket for me since he was the first chick to leave the nest. Bless her, she made a small blanket for me and folded it up his blanket. What a kind and thoughtful surprise! Well, the security blanket was put to the test today as I bid good-bye to my oldest. I swear I just took him to kindergarten a few years ago. Please visit Auntie Mac’s shop. She’s a sweet lady who sews beautiful things, and not just fleece blankets either!

I couldn’t go to Lubbock and help my son unpack (how sad – not!) because school starts tomorrow, and we have another chick to deliver to the fine halls of public education. My husband is taking my van, aka the Quilted Lovelies Mobile. Can you believe he and his son took the magnetic signs off the doors simply because they look girlie? Hmph. The QL Mobile is now naked but looks as manly as a van can look. They did clean it inside and out as compensation so I guess I can’t complain too much (but I probably will for form’s sake).

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